Market Management 201 Course


Expand Your Market Management Expertise


Learn at your own pace.

Connect with other market managers.

This course will help you expand and hone your market management skills.

Take the next step in your career and dive deeper into farmers market management.

Our 11 module course is based on years of feedback from graduates of our 101 course. They requested the topics they'd most like to learn more about and this course covers those subjects.

Market Management 201 is designed to provide tools for farmers market managers who have either completed a foundational/101 level course or have two or more years of experience managing a market.

Watch the recorded modules at your own pace. We also have recorded Q&A sessions with the course instructors.

You will also be able to connect with other market managers through our private Facebook Group.

Market management is a challenging career that requires continuing education. We offer this course to support you in your career development.

This course is for you if you …

  • have completed Market Management 101 or VAFMA's Market Manager Certification Class

    You have a solid market management foundation and are looking to take the next step in your education.
  • have two or more years of experience as a market manager

    You have learned a lot on the job but would like help filling in some gaps and taking the next steps in your career.
  • supervise a market manager

    Your organization runs a market or is planning to open a market. You need a better understanding of what is involved in running a successful market.
  • run multiple markets

    You are looking for a reliable training program for your staff. Contact us for volume discounts.

The Course has 11 Modules + a Bonus Recording + Q&A Sessions

Modules are Pre-Recorded and Ready to Watch! 

Emergency Action Plans

Learn how to create, update and share your market's Emergency Action Plan.

Markets as Small Business Incubators

We share why vendors use farmers markets to start and grow their businesses and how you as a market manager can help them.

Human Resources

Our speaker focuses on legal risks farmers markets face with employees, independent contractors, and volunteers. She also talks about risk management tools you can use to help manage these legal risks.

Farmers Markets and Community Health

Farmers markets are an impactful solution for communities grappling with different barriers to food access. Our speaker shares real life case studies of initiatives that farmers markets can engage in to make an impact in their communities.

Nutrition Incentives for Farmers Markets

We review different types of nutrition incentive programs and payment methods you can offer at your market. Our speaker discusses how to effectively promote and advocate for these programs.

PR for Farmers Markets

We share best practices, tips and how PR can work for you and your market. We also cover dealing with inaccurate/negative press, following up with journalists, and turning PR Into active marketing.

Conflict Resolution

Our speaker shares techniques and tools to help you move forward with managing conflict at your market.

Strategic Planning

Learn the how and why of farmers market strategic planning -- a process that can chart the course of your market for the next several years.


We walk you through the process of creating and obtaining sponsorships for your market.

End of Year Reporting

We share how to create an end of year or annual report for your farmers market.

Grant Writing

We cover how to apply for and manage grants to fund your market.

Bonus: Online Markets

In this bonus module from 2022, we hear from two market managers of online markets. They use different online platforms and walk us through how their markets operate and give us a behind the scenes look at the online platforms.

Q&A Sessions

Recorded Q&A sessions with the experts who presented the topics.


Each module has an optional assignment we encourage you to complete. These assignments are designed to help you implement what you learn in each training.

Farmers Market University is a program of the Virginia Farmers Market Association, a 501c3 non-profit. We’ve been teaching online market management courses since 2017.

With so many of our students coming from outside of Virginia, we realized there was national interest in our courses. We launched this platform to make them available to all.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Market Management 201

11 modules + a bonus session -- video recordings, downloadable audio recordings, written transcripts and additional course resources.

Recorded Q&A sessions with the experts.

You'll also be invited to join our private Facebook group to connect with other market managers.

You’ll get access to everything for:

5 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of
